Friday, April 26, 2013

A Father Like No Other.

Many people adore their fathers just as I adore mine. I can say though, my father is one of a kind. He is one of the most hilarious men I know. My friends and I never cease to laugh hysterically when we are around him. My dad has to take Ambien, a sleep aide, almost every night. When he takes this medication he always seems to want to get up and wander around the house instead of laying down in bed as he is supposed to. My dad also knows sign language . . . . SO when he decides to stroll around the house, and finds one of us, he only signs. He REFUSES to speak aloud. Time flies by as we try to figure out what he is saying. My sister and I know sign language as well but my father is much more advanced at it and can do it so quickly. The things he signs!! Oh my stomach hurts just thinking about the pain from laughing. One night he was trying to sign to us about monsters that were trying to get him. As he went out the front door to smoke, he acted as if someone was trying to pull him out the door. It was beyond hysterical; especially since our front door is completely glass! This is just one example of my terrific father in his "proudest" moments. 

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