Thursday, April 25, 2013

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. ~Don Marquis

Procrastination: putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time.

A word that is well known to college students. When things get over whelming we tend to just put assignments on the back burner. When that happens something fall through the cracks. Then you have to rush to get things done in the 36 hours you have left to turn any and everything in. Panic sets in as you realize how much you need to do in that short amount of time! Then, BAM another obstacle. Your internet at home no longer works and you can only do your work at school. Which leaves you less time than you originally anticipated. You have to leave at 2pm to pick up your little sister from high school and she is not going to want to sit at college while you get your work done. So you just feel stressed, rushed and exhausted.

 Beginning to work on all your work and you turn on music and hit the shuffle button. A song turns on that hits a nerve. It's a sad song, a song that has a lot of meaning; someone who was a big part of your life sang it to you many times. You want to turn it off but you can't your frozen, just listening. You're trying not to cry while typing, the computer screen becomes blurry, contacts sticking when you blink, everyone is around you in the commons, you cant cry, they can't know you still care. You yourself did not even realize you still cared. You can't care, you have things to do. There is no time for a emotional/mental breakdown!

 Your best friend calls and suddenly everything is ok. He makes you feel so much better. He tells you about his meeting with his recruiter, your heart sinks. You suddenly hate the air force, they are stealing him away! They can't  do that! You just got used to talking everyday, and you are now going to go months without talking. This is unfair.

 Life its self is unfair. But you have to look at all the positives. You have AMAZING friends, a loving and supportive family and a college career. Your life is falling together and it is Beautiful. Even with all its trials and tribulations. 


  1. if they handed out trophies for procrastinating, i would have at least 100

  2. I believe that procrastinating gets the best of every college student.
